Well wandering around Paris, I stopped in many different places, one of them being an artist's home, where he had hundreds and hundreds of paintings, and in different rooms of this 5 story home, were other artists. It was like walking into a home that lives, breathed, and slept only art. One of my favorite people in the house was Frances. He took my camera and kept taking photos of things, and he was full of energy and just so lively to be around. I bought 3 pieces of his work on a 4x6 piece of paper, and he personalized and doodled on the back of each one I bought. I walked around the streets browsing my surroundings, taking advantage of the beautiful lighting that the day had to offer. I managed to take a two decent photos for my photo assignment for my personal project, but I wish I had gotten more, but the lighting was not right for the photos I needed to shoot for most of the time I spent in Paris.
I also found a new love for people walking with umbrellas, the way people open them, and the umbrella turns inside out because of the wind. The colors, and styles of umbrellas also caught my eye.
So I took a photo of a couple who was walking at "Le Lourve," on a rainy day, walking side by side.